Free 8x10 Collage

Today only (2/24) Walgreens is offering a FREE 8x10 collage!
Just order and pick it up at the store!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angie!
    Still haven't made the delicious cookie recipe you posted, but up here in Rhode Island, we're still expecting some pretty cold days (& nights!), so I still have time to use my oven! You have one adorable family there! As a new fellow blogger, I have nominated you for a LIBSTER AWARD. Come on over to my blog to pick it up for all to see(& also visit Gina at hers--she's awesome). Then find 3-5 other new bloggers & nominate them! Everyone I have "met" in this new world has been so encouraging & inspiring! Will be popping by again, soon!
    Hugs from R.I.,
